What to expect when attending a worship service
- “Do I have to be an Adventist to attend your church?" No, not at all! We regularly have people who have Atheist, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, or other Christian backgrounds worship w
ith us. Some people come because they are invited by their friends; others come because they are curious about God and the Bible’s teachings. Everyone is welcome at our church, and our goal for each person who worships with us is to feel God’s love for them and have an increase of faith (as well as make new friends!
- "I’m shy! Do I have to say prayers aloud or do anything?" No, there are many people who come and simply observe and are blessed with the testimonies, songs, prayers, and the sermon, which are given by others. When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we welcome anyone who believes in Christ as their personal Saviour to participate if they feel comfortable, or they can simply observe; we don’t judge anyone here.
- “I have difficulty with stairs." Our church has stairs that lead up to our main sanctuary upstairs, but fortunately we have an elevator for those who need it. If you simply park in front of our main entrance on California Street, just let our greeters know your needs, and they will be happy to assist you with navigating to our entrance that avoids all stairs and is full ADA compliant.
- “What should I wear?" Some of us like to wear our best for church, others prefer to wear casual.
- “What time do the Sabbath programs start?" Saturday mornings at 9:30am we have several small group Bible Study classes for all ages. Many of our small groups also enjoy a light breakfast together, so plan to be fed spiritually and physically! Our main worship service starts at 11:00am.
- “Is there any parking?" Good question! Parking can be hard here in the City, but we’re fortunate to have a small parking lot near our church with off street parking . Once all the spots are full, feel free to double park in the center of the parking lot. Street parking is also available, but the parking meters are enforced on Saturday!
- “How about my children?" We love children at our church! We have interactive Bible Classes for children starting at 10a
m, and all of our children’s teachers and assistants are actively screened using LiveScan background screenings and undergo ongoing training in child safety. For our 11:00am Main Worship Service, we have a quiet parent’s room with television monitors so you can watch the main service and still feel comfortable meeting your children’s needs if required.
- “How long are your services?" Our Bible Study classes are from 9:30am to 10:30am, and our Main Worship Services generally go from 11:00am to about 12:30pm.
- “Is there anything planned after the Main Worship Service is
finished?" Frequently we have a Fellowship Meal where we enjoy each other’s company and meet visitors, and often there are hikes and outreach activities planned for Sabbath afternoon. Feel free to contact the Pastor for the activities planned for this coming weekend.
- “Do you have any services during the week?" Yes, we have daily prayer group and Bible Study groups that meet online and by phone conference calls, as well as group Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings that meet on Zoom (and streamed to YouTube) on Wednesday and Friday nights. You can find our current schedule of weekly remote events here